Chapter 357 Does This Have Anything to Do With Me?

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"Cheng Rui, you two can dislike her, but don't confront her head-on, lest we get bitten back and accused of bullying others by taking advantage of our power."

"And you,"

Cheng Zhuo was stunned,

"Does this have anything to do with me?"

"What do you think? Those who follow the army should be close relatives, either parents or wives and children. They have their own families, and brothers and sisters are just relatives. They didn't come. What's wrong with Captain Han? He keeps such a crooked sister-in-law here?

I remember that his father-in-law and his wife are still alive, so it doesn't make sense for a daughter of marriageable age to live with her brother-in-law. It's not only unreasonable, but it's also inconvenient.

Look, it's summer, isn't it?"

This place is vast and sparsely populated. If you want to build a new house, the cost is relatively high and it may not be convenient, but there are many open spaces and many mountain walls against the mountain. There are not enough rooms at home. In comparison, digging a cave to live in is really convenient.

"Does Captain Han know that his child is bullied by his sister-in-law?"

Cheng Zhuo and Captain Han don't have much interaction in daily life. Apart from meetings and training, they have little chance to work together on missions, not to mention getting along in private. They can only be considered as nodding acquaintances.

He really doesn't understand these things, but there is a "little smart" in the family compound. As long as there is no deep hatred between the two families, the children can play together. Cheng Rui is really familiar with these two children.

"I know, I know. She doesn't let Dashan and Xiaoshan tell others, otherwise she will beat them and not let them eat."


Cheng Zhuo didn't believe this.

"That's their own home. Besides, their biological parents are there. She is just an aunt. How dare she abuse the children?"

"How is that nonsense? They always say they are hungry. Xiao An and I have given them food. If you don't believe me, go ask Aunt Sun. Aunt Sun saw it at the time and gave me a piece of steamed bread for me. Give it to them secretly.

And Kang Ming and Kang Jian, they all know that so many children in the courtyard have been bullied by her. They dare not say anything, but I am not afraid. When they see me eating, she dare not snatch it. "

Jian Dan was quite lively with a piece of watermelon on the side, and whispered to Cheng Chao and the others,

"Look, who is this person who is targeting you? He even snatches the children's things,"

Cheng Chao pushed her head back with his palm, with a helpless tone,

"Don't talk nonsense, she has nothing to do with me."

Cheng Zhuo was so angry that he wanted to slam the table,

"What? A dignified head of a regiment, because of a little sister-in-law, he doesn't even care about his son's hunger?"

Cheng Rui shrank his neck in fear, it's over, his father is going to get angry.

Cheng An took over the conversation slowly,

"We outsiders don't know what happened, but it's true that Dashan and Xiaoshan were hungry almost every day. There was another time, during the Chinese New Year, you distributed some food, Dashan and Xiaoshan took a piece, it was so delicious, but his aunt came out and snatched it away, and kicked the sand they had piled up, Dashan was so scared that he didn't dare to cry, and only dared to cry after his aunt walked away."

"Yeah, that time Xiaoan and I, as well as Brother Sun Bing and others, there were several people, playing here, we all saw it."

Twisting and grinding on the ground for several times, Cheng Zhuo pointed at a few children,

"You guys, you just don't want me to eat in peace."

Cheng Chao also stood forward He stood up and wiped his hands.

"Uncle, I'll go with you."

Cheng Zhuo frowned. This kind of thing was not glorious. He didn't want his child to get involved.

"Why are you going? Stay at home."

Cheng Chao kept walking.

"After all, it was caused by me. I have to show my attitude. I can't let people think that I'm a softie who lets them do whatever they want.

Uncle, from a personal perspective, we are a family, but I'm not here to visit relatives.

On the surface, I was seconded here to assist in the mission. During the secondment, I was pulled and insulted. You should give me an explanation for this, right?"

Cheng Zhuo paused, shook his head and followed. This kid is finally showing his fangs.

It was normal for Cheng Zhuo to leave without saying anything, but this time it involved her own children, so Tang Sumei was a little more concerned.

"Don't worry, this matter is not of a good nature, your second uncle and others will properly handle it.

Come and eat watermelon, are you tired today?"

Jian Dan was not too worried, because there were adults around, and they couldn't force Cheng Chaozhen to marry Yu Hongyan.

"Second Aunt, what time do they go to school? I'll pick you up tomorrow?"

The two children immediately looked up, and Tang Sumei wanted to say, they are so old, and the school is not far away, do they still need to be picked up?

But thinking about it, the child might be too bored, unfamiliar with the place, so he nodded immediately,

"If you don't find them annoying, just go, it's just like taking a walk.

The school here is not small, but there are not many children going to school. Most of them are from the family compound, and some are from nearby villages.

There are many villages nearby, but not many are willing to send their children to school. Many families have half-grown children of this age, and they are already a labor force."

It turned out that it was similar in Liujiatun, so it was simple and not surprising.

In the office, several people were silent and dared not speak. Who could have thought that Cheng Zhuo, who was as soft as a dough man, would suddenly get angry? After a while, someone joked to ease the atmosphere.

"Old Cheng, the child is not sensible, so you don't have to be so angry."

Cheng Zhuo's face was dark.

"Whether she is sensible or not is not my concern. The problem is that my child is being plotted against. If I don't say anything, what does it mean? Am I acquiescing?

She saw someone on the street and blocked him?

Those who know that someone is deliberately looking for trouble, and Cheng Chao is the victim.

Those who heard it from others and watched the fun must think that he did something to offend the female comrade or said something he shouldn't have said, so the female comrade can shamelessly block people on the street?

What's the matter, female comrades have to have dignity, and male comrades deserve to be talked about nonsense?"

Someone opened his mouth and was directly retorted by his words.

Cheng Zhuo sighed, and his tone softened again.

"If it was just because of this, I wouldn't be so angry. Boy, you should be tough. The fact that someone chose you shows that you are capable. Logically, as your uncle, I should feel honored even though I didn't raise you.


Cheng Zhuo slammed the table again,

"You shouldn't do that. You easily put words like 'seducing people with your face' on a little girl. What kind of upbringing is this? Did she offend you? You still want to fight?

She doesn't even know you. Just because she is close to Cheng Chao, do you deserve to be insulted in the street like this?"

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