Chapter 352: Enough for Yourself

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"Although it is generally safe, don't take it lightly. Buy whatever you want to buy. I have money here. But if something happens, nothing else matters. Protect yourself first.

Come and meet us after you finish buying."

Jian Jian felt even more that Cheng Chao seemed to know what he was going to do, and he deliberately created opportunities for himself.

He gave Jian Jian a few big unity tickets, and the two naughty boys also got a 50-cent ticket each.

"You two just follow me. Buy whatever you want to eat. After you are full, you can carry things for a while."

Jian Jian didn't want to take it, so he pushed it back directly.

"I have money here, I don't need you. I'll just take a walk over there and come to find you in a while."

Seeing her leave, the child got anxious first.

"Why doesn't my sister come with us?"

"She will come to find us in a while. Come on, come on, let's go in quickly. Hey, look at the stall in front, is there food? I can smell the fragrance..."

Jian Jian walked in along the flow of people. There was a main street with forked roads on both sides. After careful observation, he could see the door.

Vegetables grown at home, eggs, brooms made by oneself, baskets woven by oneself, and the like are basically all on the main road, but the cattle and sheep that Cheng Chao just mentioned are not very daring to be exposed to the light, and are basically in the side roads on both sides.

So, walking along, Jiandan turned in.

The stalls did not display cattle and sheep blatantly, but a head was placed. It was obvious that the stalls with sheep heads sold mutton and sheep, and the stalls with cow heads sold beef and cows.

There were less than ten stalls in this side road, and there were a few people picking meat at this time. Jiandan came here for a while, and the few portions he bought were all a few taels, and the most he bought was one catty.

After looking for a while, Jiandan had a rough idea in his mind.

"Girl, would you like some mutton? The sheep we just killed today are all half-grown lambs, very fresh."

With a local accent, he was simple enough to understand, so he squatted down. The man was dressed in rags, but his hands were clean. Although there were big cracks, it didn't make people feel disgusted.

"Uncle, how much is one pound?"

The old farmer opposite stretched out his hand.

"Sixty cents, not expensive. These are all raised by the village. They are less than a year old."

It was hot, and they were afraid that they would not be able to sell them. The 40-50 pound lambs, after removing the skin and internal organs, there was not much meat in total.

The main reason was that they were not the only village that raised sheep. Most of the meat that could be bought at this time was a few taels, and the bulk of the money had to rely on the military region here. If they sold all the meat they brought, they would be very satisfied. He would also be happy to take the live ones back.

"Girl, have some. Look at this meat. It's tender and delicious."

Jian Jian had a tender face and was clean and white. She was wearing new clothes without any patches. It looked like she came from a well-off family. He had seen a few girls from such well-off families. They all had bad tempers. The old man was a little cautious when speaking.

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