Chapter 258 Braised Pork

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The air after the rain is damp, cool, but refreshing, without the stuffiness and irritability of noon.

However, the roads in the village are still as difficult to walk as usual.

Rural children don't care about this. As soon as the rain stops, the naughty boys come out to step on the puddles. This is their fun.

Seeing Jian Xin, the children who played with her shouted to her from afar,

"Xinxin, come and play, look, how fun!"

It is said that the children's requirements are very simple. There is no food, no drink, no toys. Just stepping on the puddles will make them happy for half a day.

"Haha, come and play, Xinxin,"

Jian Xin was eager to try, but it was only three seconds. Miao saw her clean clothes and the small boots she had just put on, and then pinched the precious book in her pocket, and shook her head decisively,

"No, no, it's all muddy, too dirty."

The children looked at each other, all puzzled,

"Don't we play like this every day?"

"There's mud today, if we don't play, our clothes will be dirty and we have to wash them,"

Jian Xin walked past them, turned around and walked straight to the village, followed by a dog wagging its tail.

The children were left scratching their heads for a while, and then jumped even harder.

"Haha, it's really fun."

"That bubble over there is big!"

"Go, see who gets it first!"


Send the child away, simply put away the dry food, and take advantage of the ready-made fire to steam a few squashes. They have been stored in the cellar for a whole winter, and they are well preserved, not frozen or rotten at all. Seeing that the weather is getting warmer, finally these few are simply steamed. It's really busy, and it's hungry, but it's still the kind that can be seen by people.

The child hasn't come back yet, and simply circled around to find work.

She can eat dry food to make do, but she doesn't want the child to make do with it, but the whole village is at such an important time, so she can't be too out of line.

It's okay to do it three or two times, but if it happens too many times, it's hard to guarantee that someone won't say something sour behind her back.

Her home is far from the village. Although she doesn't care what others say, when the situation is unclear, there is really no need to give people a handle.

If it is not convenient to cook it right after returning home, then make something that can be eaten with dry food. After all, it is only lunch, and time is tight.

Early in the morning and late in the evening, as long as you can go home, this hot meal is not a problem.

After walking around the cellar, I went into the base space to look around twice, brought out a large piece of beef, took the ready-made ingredients, and braised it. This thing is easy to do, even if it is cold, it is delicious. It has no taste when it is cold, and if you don't lean over to look, you don't know what it is.

While braising the meat, I used another pot to make a pot of meat sauce and a pot of egg sauce.

In the spring, when work starts, turning the soil and soaking the fields, you may not be so nervous all day, but then you will be busy fertilizing and planting. Once you start working, it will be a whole year, and there will be almost no idle time.

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