Chapter 229 Hardships of the Garrison

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After hearing this, Jiandan waved his hand,

"Hurry up and move whatever you like!"

Cheng Chao laughed,

"You said it, don't regret it?"

The long legs crossed the stove in a few steps and lifted the cover of the cellar.

After a while, he came up with a basket. Jiandan looked inside and saw two watermelons and two hanging melons. He couldn't help but look at him,

"That's all?"

Both of them were joking, but Jiandan didn't say anything polite.

Cheng Chao also knew that this was a lot. Watermelons were rare, not to mention in the middle of winter. He was curious about hanging melons, which he didn't recognize.

It was dark green, as long as his forearm, with a slightly bulging belly below, slightly thick, and getting thinner and thinner towards the root. Most of them were curved in the middle, similar to the shape of a banana.

Jiandan can tell at a glance that the seeds of the hanging squash were obtained from Wang Guihua. Wang Guihua said that not many people grow this stuff here. The main reason is that most families grow squash in their own places. Not only can it be used as a vegetable, it also has a strong sense of satiety and can be used as a staple food.

But the hanging squash is not the same.

The taste of the squash is very smooth. In contrast, the taste of the hanging squash is soft and sweet. Moreover, it is said that it becomes sweeter as winter approaches.

However, there is one thing, it is not as good as the squash to satisfy hunger.

However, it tastes very good when used in cooking, making soup, or putting it in porridge.

The same planting method, the villagers who know how to grow it will of course choose something that can satisfy hunger.

Even Wang Guihua herself said that no one in the village grows it, and she herself has not grown it for several years. It is also annoying to see it. Last time, she gave all her seeds at the bottom of the box to Jiandan.

Jiandan's backyard was full of plants, with almost no space wasted. This hanging melon was planted around the wall like a squash, with five or six seedlings and more than 20 fruits, all placed in the cellar.

Jiandan's entry-level cooking skills made her not dare to measure the ingredients she was not familiar with.

Of course, the main reason was that she was lazy and didn't want to move.

Before, she was a person's meal, so it was easy to fool around. Sometimes she took ready-made food from the store, and sometimes she made a home-cooked meal.

After the little girl came, Jiandan had a job, and she cooked on time. She cooked all kinds of food in a different way, but this hanging melon was not on the list.

Seeing that he was very curious, Jian Jian thought about Wang Guihua's words and honestly conveyed,

"This is called hanging melon. It can be put in porridge, sliced ​​and boiled into soup, or put in when stewing beans and potatoes. It is said to be a little sweet and delicious."

"You haven't eaten it? You dare to grow it if you haven't eaten it?"

This thing should not be very popular. Anyway, Miss Jian didn't know it in her life.

"The aunt of the village chief gave it to me. Don't worry, it's not poisonous. If they were not so hungry, they would grow it."

"That's true,"

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