Chapter 389 Don't Let Others Know

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The hostility between the children came inexplicably, and the friendship also came suddenly. When the children came out of the cellar, they were already good friends who were covered in dust and laughing.

One pot cooked, another pot boiled water, and after the meal was ready, the three children washed themselves and sat in a row on the kang.

It turned out that Jian Xin still looked like a little girl, but now in comparison, she is darker than the Cheng Rui brothers.

Cheng Chao also discovered that the Cheng Rui brothers had been running in the training ground of the compound since they were young. Their skin color was not white, and they were not afraid of the sun, unlike Jian Xin, who would get darker when exposed to the sun.

The contrast between the children sitting together was quite obvious.

"This, ahem, may be born."

Cheng Chao couldn't help laughing.

"Eat, eat. After dinner, try the watermelons that Xinxin grows. Xiao Rui and Xiao An, try it. Which is sweeter, the watermelons from home or the ones that Xinxin grows."

The little girl shook her head proudly.

"Of course the ones I grow are sweeter. Do you know how to make them?"

The two brothers didn't have a sister, so they liked this little sister and coaxed her.

"We haven't grown them before, and we don't know how to make them. Can you teach us?"

There was no such thing as not talking while eating or sleeping. The meal was also very lively. However, after dinner, when they were full and the kang under them was still warm, the two brothers were very tired and their eyelids couldn't hold up.

When Jian Dan and Cheng Chao cleaned up the kitchen and came in, the two brothers were already sleeping soundly. The little girl followed and joined in the fun. She also slept on one side.

"Good guys, now we don't have to eat anything. We have to sleep all afternoon."

The two went up to change the children's positions, covered them with quilts, and then sat aside to talk.

Cheng Chao wanted to let Cheng Rui and his brother come over to keep Jian Dan company, but he was so busy with the meal just now. He regretted it again. Isn't this finding work for her?

"If there is work, you can ask them to do it. In a few days, there will be another car going there, and let them go back with the car."

"Ah? It's already this time, there's nothing to do when they go back, right? Go back after the New Year? Are you in such a hurry?"

Jian Dan was puzzled. Didn't she ask the children to accompany her? Why did she send them away after they came?

"Are you sure?

I was thinking of letting them come to keep you company, and they can also go out for a walk.

Today, I saw that you were quiet by yourself, but you can't be quiet when they are here?

No matter how sensible they are, they are still children. If they really spend the New Year here, you will really have to worry about them?"

Jian Jian smiled. She had this idea before, but when they met today, Jian Jian didn't have a trace of impatience or irritability.

"Brother, if you say this, then you really treat me as an outsider.

I have lived in my second uncle's house for more than half a month. , causing trouble every day, and bringing the child with him, and hurting the child. Second Aunt didn't say anything, but you still tell me this? Is it because of your impure heart that makes me uncomfortable?

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