Chapter 280 Going into the Mountains Alone

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Maybe the rain was not evenly distributed. The further she went, the drier the ground became. She was about to reach the deep mountain, and the ground was only slightly wet. She simply slowed down her pace.

She said she was picking mushrooms, but she was more of a relaxation. She was hitting the grass with a stick. Of course, she would not let go of mushrooms when she saw them. However, this area obviously did not grow mushrooms. She walked around for a long time before picking a handful.

The air in the mountains is good, especially in the deep mountains. The breath is almost full of the fragrance of green grass and vegetation, which makes people feel comfortable unconsciously.

As for the wild animals in the deep mountains, this season is the mating season. She does not touch them and walks around them.

However, there are also many who come out alone to look for food. Although she cannot say that she will accept everyone, with her current skills, she has no problem in saving her life.

The deep mountains and old forests are indeed a paradise for wild animals. In the short time since she came here, she has killed five wild boars, several silly roe deer, a group of yellow sheep, two blue sheep, two bison, a large group of red deer, and several badgers. Some of them were real fights, and some were in groups and were knocked down by her.

As for the small ones such as pheasants and rabbits, she did not deliberately kill them unless they came to her door.

Just after putting away the pile of pheasant eggs, she saw a shadowy figure drinking water in front of her. It seemed to be the legendary silly roe deer. To be honest, she had heard of this in her previous life, but she had never eaten it. Today, she would not let it go no matter what.

As the name suggests, silly roe deer, silly roe deer, seems to be not very smart. Jian Da walked behind her. When they heard the sound, they looked up and turned their heads to look at her, but they did not know how to run for their lives. Jian Da would naturally not let them go.

Unexpectedly, just after collecting the roe deer, a roar came from the side, and Jian Dan almost died on the spot.

She hurriedly hid behind a tree on the side. When Chao Cai saw this big black shadow, it was much taller than her. It was so intimidating when it stood there. Jian Dan didn't dare to measure it, so she turned around and ran.

At this moment, she couldn't think of any space at all. It was good enough to think of spreading drugs.

She ran desperately in front, and the big black bear followed slowly behind. She struggled hard with her short legs, and the back shook with every step. The force was almost like a small earthquake.

The heavy breathing and the fishy smell were right next to Jian Dan's ears. Jian Dan was surrounded by it, and she struggled desperately, just wanting to escape from its influence.

In a panic, Jiandan ran so fast that her lungs almost popped out. The big guy behind her slowly slowed down. Jiandan didn't dare to stop. She was chased and ran for nearly two miles. Jiandan felt that her lungs were on fire. The big guy behind her fell to the ground with a bang.

Jiandan in front had done too much exercise suddenly, and her legs and feet were as soft as noodles. She staggered and held on to a nearby tree. She sat down slowly and panted heavily.

After drinking a bottle of mineral water, Jiandan felt that the lungs were hers. She sat for a long time before struggling to get up and walked over to collect the prey. This was what she had risked her life to get, so she had to keep it.

There are no protected animals now, so she can still feel clear conscience for collecting it.

Watching the giant disappear, Jiandan realized belatedly, why did she run? She is a person with space!

She was so angry that she slapped her forehead. If she really didn't escape and died in the bear's mouth, how unfair would it be?

When the black bear disappeared, she noticed that the place where the black bear fell just now was a steep slope. There was a stone on it with one end sticking up. It was probably because the black bear was dizzy and didn't pay attention to his feet, so he tripped.

However, this stone seemed to move after being hit?

Jiandan looked around twice vigilantly, then squatted down to take a closer look. The stone on top was quite flat. She pushed it with her hand, but it didn't move at all.

Jiandan also doubted whether she was dazzled just now, because she clearly saw it moving.

Thinking about it, she slowly walked back to the place just now, and looked at this side from the same angle, but there was no reaction.

Today, she was in a good mood, and Jiandan was a little more patient. She walked around the stone several times, stepped on it, jumped, and bounced, but there was no reaction. She was so angry that she sat on it and rubbed it forward. Eh?

This, it's not taken down, it's rotating?

She immediately jumped up and pushed in the direction just now. She was strong, and soon the stone moved and made a jerky friction sound.

When it turned 90 degrees, there was a "click" sound, which should be the stone stuck in the groove, and then there was a "rumbling" sound from somewhere, which sounded like the sound of a stone door secret room opening in a martial arts movie. Jian Dan was also frightened and climbed up the big tree next to her.

She was also high above, and Jian Dan could see the changes below clearly.

After a while, she slid down when she saw nothing else happened.

She was in a panic just now, and now she could see clearly that she had run to a cliff. It was not wide, but one side was a mountain wall, and the other side, a few meters wide, was actually a cliff that went straight down.

Seeing this, Jian Dan was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. She took more than ten steps back before stopping. She was also very scared. With the tree blocking the view, she really couldn't find it if she didn't look carefully. If she had been a few meters off, she might have been buried with the big guy, right?

She had played bungee jumping before, but it was not this kind of unprotected suicide.

After calming down and the cold sweat disappeared, she wanted to see what she had just found. However, it was not easy.

It was indeed a stone door, but the door was directly below the cliff, less than two meters from the top. I don't know how it was designed.

It has come to this point. Jian Dan just gave up and went back. She couldn't persuade herself.

Then let's go down!

The base is full of daily necessities such as tools.

Jiandan didn't do anything complicated. She found a strong climbing rope, tied it to an old tree, pulled it, and felt that it could hold up. She also tied the other end around her waist, so that if her feet slipped or something, she wouldn't fall to the bottom.

Then she pulled herself down with the rope. This exercise was familiar to her in her previous life, but this body needed to adapt.

The two-meter distance was reached quickly.

Standing on the ground, looking at the wide-open stone door, Jiandan's heart was not at peace, but it was lifted up again.

First, she took out a pheasant and threw it in. The "clucking" sound came from outside to inside, and although it was getting farther and farther, it never stopped. She then untied the rope, took out her headlamp and put it on, and took a deep breath.

Reality is always different from imagination.

With the headlamp on, the inside was very clear. Not far from the door, there was a pile of boxes and bags, neatly stacked.

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