Chapter 382 Okay, You Convinced Me

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Mingzhu was stunned,

"What are you going to do?"

Jian Jian was silent for a long time without answering, and suddenly asked after a while,

"Who is that person you are talking about? Is he from the village?"

"Ah?" Mingzhu was stunned for a moment,

"Are you going to beat him up?"

"Am I that kind of person?"

Mingzhu thought, you are really the kind of person who gets into trouble when you disagree with someone. I am talking about you.

"No strangers have come to my house these days?

There are not many people in the village who are close to your Lin Dongfang and often go to your house, right?

Hey, that's not right? Are you trying to trick me?

Even if you are interested in me, why do you always go to your house?

You are not my elders. I am just looking for a partner, so I can't follow your arrangements, right?"

"Yes, why? Isn't it because I want to help you with some work?"

Jian Dan was even more confused,

"Why go to your house to help me with work?


It can't be that your man has been helping me look after the house and feeding the dog during this period, all..."

Mingzhu nodded gently,

"He came to ask about you the day after you left. Later, he followed me almost every day to feed the dog and plant cabbage. Anyway, now, the few people outside your house are familiar with him,"

Lin Dongfang can be brought along, which means that his character is trustworthy, but she couldn't figure out who this person is.

"Who is it? Did he say that he wanted to date me?"

"If he said that, would Lin Dongfang still bring him here? However, the meaning is very clear. Otherwise, give me a reason. He and you are not related at all. We have gone to the mountains together to play a few times, and it was always together. Why did he suddenly care about you so much?"

"Go to the mountains together?" Jian Dan was sensitive to hearing this. Except for retreating from the mountains, she had basically never gone up with other opposite sexes in the village, not to mention playing.

"Don't tell me it's an educated youth?"

Mingzhu didn't play guessing games with her.

"Yes, it's Ling Weidong."

Mingzhu was here, and Lin Dongfang was indeed blocked at home by Ling Weidong. Lin Dongfang was helpless.

"No, why are you here? Nothing, I'm not going, if you want to go, go by yourself."

Ling Weidong was embarrassed by his thoughts being exposed, and his face flushed.

"You, you figured it out?"

"Am I a fool? It's so obvious, and you still can't see it?"

Ling Weidong's eyes had a glimmer of hope.

"Then you took me there, didn't she know it too?"

"What is it?"

Lin Dongfang was not polite at all.

Not to mention that they were already very close, with Cheng Chao's relationship, it was just like his own sister.

Although he is not as strict as Cheng Chao, and objectively speaking, Ling Weidong is not bad. His family background is acceptable, he looks OK, and his personality and style are not a big problem for the time being, but it is still a bit awkward to introduce a date to his sister.

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